nedelja, 16. marec 2025

We Share, Therefore We Are

"I think, therefore I am" (Latin: Cogito, ergo sum) is the famous dictum of the philosopher René Descartes. However, our intention is not to analyze this well-known philosophical statement. Instead, let us consider its economic counterpart, which might be phrased as "I Share, Therefore I Am" — a concept that has been in circulation for some time.[1] Yet, sharing is never a solitary act; it always involves multiple people. Thus, a more fitting expression would be: "We Share, Therefore We Are."


Sharing is a fundamental principle, deeply ingrained in families and, to some extent, in broader communities. Within families, resources are naturally shared; we cannot imagine living together otherwise. Parents share with their children, grandparents, and each other. When someone falls ill, other family members provide for them—both materially and emotionally.

On a larger scale, states acknowledge the principle of sharing, primarily through taxation. These funds are then allocated to public services such as healthcare, social welfare, education, and infrastructure.

However, in today's world, commercialization increasingly threatens the principle of sharing, eroding the social bonds rooted in compassion, cooperation, and mutual support. At the heart of sharing and cooperation lies compassion—the instinctive response to another's suffering or need and the desire to help. Compassion, in turn, is the foundation of love, which extends beyond individuals or specific groups to embrace all of humanity.

Sharing: The Foundation of Our Existence

Human existence within a community depends on our ability to share with one another. We cannot survive in isolation. While temporary solitude may be possible, no one can truly thrive alone. In fact, we cannot even develop into fully realized human beings without growing up and living within a community.

Despite this, we are increasingly persuaded—especially by economists and certain politicians—that self-interest should be our primary concern and that society can only progress through competition and individualism. Yet, history and experience show otherwise. Societies that embrace competition, rivalry, and selfishness often find themselves in decline.

We Share, Therefore We Are

If we uphold the principle of sharing not only within families and local or national communities but also on a global scale, we can foster prosperity and peace. As we have already emphasized, compassion is the foundation of love, and within families, this love is expressed through the sharing of resources. Similarly, universal love can only manifest through global sharing and cooperation. (For further discussion, see: A proposal for the global sharing of basic goods.)

If we fail to uphold this principle, our communities will fragment, and we will find ourselves in a world ruled by the law of the strongest—a true jungle where survival depends on power rather than mutual support.

Let sharing be our motto, our guiding principle, and our foundation. Humanity cannot exist without sharing and cooperation. Thus, it is undeniably true:

We Share, Therefore We Are.

[1] For example: I Share, Therefore I Am

sreda, 4. marec 2020

A time for generosity, compassion, cooperation

The times ahead will undoubtedly be challenging. There are many challenges; one can hardly list them: the environmental crisis, global inequality, migrations, the coronavirus, the economic crisis etc. The response to this complicated situation will shape our future. We can isolate ourselves, become even more selfish and save ourselves and our countries, or we can stand in solidarity, compassion and solve the problems of humanity together. All of the issues we have listed are global, which means they affect us all, directly or indirectly.

We already know that we can solve the environmental crisis only together at the international level. Also, the outbreak of a new coronavirus can only be resolved or curbed by globally coordinated action. But there are other problems, too, which can we respond to through cooperation: migrations, inequality, poverty and hunger, the economic crisis, etc. We live in an interdependent world, which is why we must act together.

But we behave in the opposite direction. We love products and tourists from all over the world, we love to travel abroad, but we do not like to deal with problems that we may indirectly cause with our way of life. We only want what benefits us, but we don't want bad things or consequences. When tourists come, we look forward to them; but when the migrants arrive, we are angry. But both are part of the same world, part of related problems.

Let's look at the current situation realistically. Why is a coronavirus outbreak such a huge problem? Because it poses a threat to developed countries! For the developing countries, coronavirus is just one of many issues that have troubled it for decades. For them, the significant problems are malaria, diarrhoea, AIDS, hunger, unemployment, terrorism, wars, inaccessible education and health services etc.

The developed part of the world is now facing a problem that threatens the very foundations of a consumer or "pleasure" society. These fundamentals are unlimited consumerism, unlimited travel, the best food and selected products from around the world etc. Now that "pleasure" society is at stake. That is why the developed world now expects an "end of the world". That is why stock indexes are falling. That is why the media, politicians, bankers and business people are in a state of panic!

But this is not the end of the world. It is time for awakening. It is time for awakening from the illusion of a "pleasure" and complacent consumer society.

Let's look at the world as it is. Let us become solidary, compassionate, cooperate, help, share our abundant resources with our poor brothers and sisters, with whom we share this beautiful planet. Above all, we do not panic and do not complain about how lousy situation we are.

The world is waiting for our response. Let it be generous and heartful.

ponedeljek, 2. marec 2020

The end of times, and the beginning of the new

The impended war between the US and Iran, the massive fires in Australia, Brexit, the US impeachment, the outbreak of the coronavirus, the increasing chance of the new economic crisis and major stock market crash, the continued rise of intolerant policies etc. It seems like the year is 2020 apocalyptic, as if "the end of times" is coming. But more likely than this is an apocalypse, we are living in a time of great transition.

The end of the old economic and political paradigm

We have known for a long time that current economic system, based on selfishness, competition and greed, is crumbling. The commercialization and privatization of social services and the natural resources, stock market speculation, economic competitiveness, and the selfishness of nations (symbolized by Trump's call America First) are the means of this tenacious economic paradigm. We can see its consequences at every step: a devastated environment, climate change, global inequality that causes famine, widespread poverty and migration, social tensions and also wars.

This old economic paradigm of selfishness, competitiveness and greed is "faithfully" served by today's political system, which works for the benefit of large economic players (corporations, banks and other financial institutions, stock exchanges), instead of protecting the interests of the world's people and the planetary environment.

The long-awaited collapse of this economic paradigm is now happening before our eyes, triggered by the outbreak of a new coronavirus. This virus is not the cause, but the trigger of the collapse, because the economic system has actually stagnated since the last major financial crisis of 2008. This crisis was never really fixed because the major central banks "solved" or masked it with a massive amount of money, and governments with drastic austerity measures which causes huge inequality gap inside and between nations.

In the last days of February 2020, the coronavirus "infected" the world's stock exchanges. Why? Because China, "the engine" of global production and trade, temporarily almost stopped. Other countries soon followed. Production, transport, tourism and consumerism are slowing down or shrinking. Entrepreneurs and ordinary people have become cautious. This situation, however, means "death" for the economic system that has to grow all the time. Economic growth is a "token" in speculative stock markets, which are actually colossal gambling casinos, where our shared social and natural resources (the commons of humanity) become private assets.

This gambling system is now ending because of the microscopic virus. The stock markets are crashing, and trillions of dollars, euros and other currencies have been wiped out in recent days. They will soon affect the global financial and economic system.

Crisis as a decision for a new

Today we are talking a lot about the crisis - social, environmental, political, economic, financial - but we do not know what the word crisis actually means. The term derives from the ancient Greek noun "krisis", which originates from the verb "krinein", meaning "to decide." The crises are basically meant a turning point that requires our decision. We can choose to preserve the old or decide on the new.

A crisis is just like a disease that compels us to act. Maybe we go to the doctor, or we change our life patterns (how to eat, sleep, exercise, etc.). The worst is to do nothing because passivity causes the same as maintaining the old or the status quo. In other words, if we do nothing, we only deepen the disease or crisis because they don't go away by itself, not without our participation.

A painful transition period

The coronavirus is, in a symbolic sense, an expression of the disease in the "organism" of humanity caused by our excessive orientation to materialism. Materialistic orientation has found its "home" primarily in the economic field, where it is expressed as commercialization, consumerism, greed, selfishness, stock market speculation, privatization of natural resources etc. Thus, instead of meeting the basic needs of all people and the wellbeing of humanity and the environment, the economic system serves primarily to the excess wealth of the affluent individuals and countries.

And all those who have enormous (economic) wealth and (political) power, or both at the same time, forcibly cling to the old patterns and will try to do everything to preserve their privileges. But they won't succeed.

Because people are increasingly aware of this situation and will continually demand not only environmental and social justice but also economical. As soon as this movement for economic justice embraces the entire world, the "global agenda" will be "forced" by the demand for a global sharing of resources, which will be a crucial step towards entering a "new age" based on genuine international cooperation and sharing.

The beginning of the new

Many individual initiatives and movements for the sharing economy will soon evolve into a global demand to provide every human with necessities to meet basic needs in a way that doesn't threaten the global environment.

The global sharing economy will be based on global coordination of the distribution of essential goods between countries, i. e. the system of barter (more in the publication A proposal for the global sharing of essential goods). The aim of an economic system is thus becoming the needs of people, not just seeking profit and power of influential individuals and nations. On this basis, we will be able to build a more equitable global society that will begin to cope with the positive development of humanity and fixing the global environment.

If it seems to you that the end of time is coming, you are right, but at the same time, it is the birth of a new, better and healthier world.

sobota, 25. avgust 2018

Journey to the One human family

Journeys are a good thing. They also have negatives, including pollution of the environment, at least with the now dominant means of transport. However, they bring many benefits. Travellers usually come from developed nations and often travel to developing countries, returning at least a fraction of the money that is "exhausted" from there by the modern global economic system, so-called free market.

Indeed, something about travelling is priceless, namely the recognition that the people in distant countries are no different from ourselves. Therefore, each new conversation, each new meeting, contact, etc. brings humanity closer together and strengthen our belief that we all are but one family.

Why are journeys so appealing to us? We enjoy amazing landscapes, beautiful cities, a variety of cultures, poetry of languages and colourful people. However, let us focus on people. Are we so different? When we travel around the world, we find out that every human being is more or less like ourselves.

What are we, humans, striving for? If we are parents, we want to ensure our children's happiness and the best possible future no matter where we live - in nomadic tents, villages, slums, cities or megapolises. If we are children, we want a good education and best for our parents no matter where we live - in nomadic tents, villages, slums, cities or megapolises. If we are young, we want to create a home and a family, perhaps to travel abroad no matter where we live - in nomadic tents, villages, slums, cities or megapolises.

Why there are so many differences between us? We are born in different social, political and economic environments or systems, in different cultures, traditions and religions, we speak so many languages. All these things make us different. We are conditioned by the social, economic and political environment in which we are born. With the development of global media, especially the Internet, and with the expansion of travel, this conditioning is disappearing rapidly.

Our outward appearance is by no means cause of the distinction or even the divisions advocated by the extremists. Colour of skin in no way indicates to any particular characteristics of human beings (individuals in the family also have different colours of hair and eyes, but this does not in any way mean that one is smarter or more capable than others).

Any divisions based on the appearance or cultural, religious, linguistic or other characteristics are merely absurd and do not have any basis either in science nor in common sense. We all belong to one human family. Different cultures, religions, traditions and systems are just different ways of achieving human goals, which are the same all over the world: wellbeing and happiness; emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. The only critical differences between people are economic differences that human being divide between those who have too much and those who have too little goods. These differences are, however, inadmissible.

These differences can be significantly reduced or even eliminated by co-operation in the political field, and with a sharing economy that enables all people to achieve human goals that are equal for all, only the paths to them are "coloured" with the diversity of traditions, cultures and religions.

Travel, therefore, brings us together, but this is not enough. Through cooperation and sharing we are building solid bridges that genuinely connect us in one family, the One Humanity.

sreda, 25. marec 2015

Sharing is our future

We are all aware that many things are going terribly wrong in the world today: climate change, global economic crisis, poverty and hunger, unemployment, etc. All these problems are global, yet each country is trying to solve "their" problems alone. That is an impossible way.

The so-called developed countries have the feeling that the economic crisis is over. It is not. Just because of the incredible amounts of money that is pouring into the financial system by central banks, the current economic system still works. Billions and billions of dollars, euros, pounds, yens are flowing into the commercial banks, and from there into the stock markets where is inflating the bubble to the unprecedented extent.

Only after the bursting of that huge stock market bubble, perhaps as early as this year, will come sobering for rich countries. They have long been living in the illusion of complacency and constant economic growth. Ever increasing production is unbearable for our environment.

The competition between countries, between companies, between individuals, is blind way because people only through cooperation and sharing can solve the problems of the modern world. Other ways in our overcrowded and exhausted planet are not possible.

Today, we have enough goods to satisfy the needs of all people. We do not need more goods, but just distribution of global resources with the agreement at the international level. To design an intelligent system of sharing at the international level is the top political and economic priority of the future.

But first we need disillusionment that comes in the form of global stock market crash. Only through sharing of global resources, we can solve the imminent collapse of the economy of selfishness, greed and complacency.

četrtek, 23. oktober 2014

About global sharing

"We suggest, would be asked to make an inventory of all their resources and needs, what they produce themselves and what they are obliged to import. Then, each nation would be asked to put into a common pool that which they have in excess of their needs, forming a huge international resource from which all could draw. Naturally, the large developed nations would give a greater amount but all would donate their un-needed surplus." (A blueprint for sharing)

The principle of sharing is well known in our families and local communities. But on a global scale we only know to compete for abundant world´s resources. However, every day we see new forms of sharing, which organize by different groups, local communities, businesses, non-governmental organizations, etc. People sharing cars, bicycles, homes, tools, and many other things and services.

However, we should do next important step: the implementation of sharing at the level of the global community. Sharing resources in local communities are a good thing, but it still creates "islands" of justice and abundance in the middle of the "sea" of poverty and hunger. Justice is not justice until there are still 805 million people hungry worldwide, despite the fact that we have enough food for all. (World Food Programme).

But it's not just for food; many people around the world do not have access to many other basic goods, such as clean water, adequate shelter and access to education and health care. The right to meet basic needs is a fundamental human right and can not be dependent on human economic or any other status. Are starving children guilty because his parents due to various circumstances do not have enough money or because his country was in a difficult economic situation?

Establishing a permanent global sharing mechanism of most important resources to meet basic human needs, it is simple and effective solution to the most shameful problems of humanity, of which hunger is in the first place. United Nations (UN) that brings together all the world's countries is the best place to create such mechanism.

Countries will inform special newly created UN agency for sharing about their surplus or shortages, and agency will coordinate direct "flow" of resources between countries. Thus, we establish permanent pool of key global resources that have always been available to those who need it.

Richest countries at first contributed more, but in the future the developing countries will also contribute more its resources because of better condition of their economies.

With global sharing, no country would be "looser" because we were sharing only surpluses that often finished on giant garbage dumps of a modern world. Annually in the world, for example, we throw away unimaginable 1.3 billion tons of food, or one-third of all food produced for human use (UNEP). It is quite clear that there is enough food for everyone, but we need an effective global sharing mechanism to meet needs of every person on Earth.

Almost impossible is to imagine how beneficial effect would have sharing to the entire international community. Not only ending hunger, global sharing of key resources could be crucial to solving many global conflicts and would be the best way to permanent world peace. One hundred years after the beginning of World War I was about time for it.

Which way we choose

We know that today's economic system has no future. We know this because every day we see the consequences of his action. On the one hand, enormous wealth, on the other hand, terrible poverty and deprivation and hunger; there are countless conflicts between countries and within them; we face with climate changes and the environment pollution. These are only the most visible effects of the functioning of an extremely unjust, chaotic and destructive economic system based on competition, selfishness and greed.

Whether we are talking about capitalism, neoliberalism or about any other economic ideology, it is important to understand what are the causes and what the effects of its actions. For only if we change the causes, we can eliminate their effects. The economic system is far from being just a matter of economic experts and politicians. It is a matter of each of us. The functioning of the economic system has a direct impact on our everyday lives, on our environment and every other being on this planet.

We can not agree with economists who said that economy is too complex for the ordinary man. Every member of modern society are faced daily with the fundamental economic problems and also we are all by nature economists. How to survive, how to buy an apartment, how do we meet the needs of all family members, etc. are - but economic issues. There are not fundamentally different issues on a broader scale: on the local community or all human family.

Therefore, the economy can not be left only to economic experts and politicians. It is about us, about our future, the future of our family, the future of the entire planet. The path to the future certainly does not lead through competition with each other, because it is unthinkable that more than 7 billion people compete or fighting for limited natural resources.

The future of humanity is not competition but cooperation; the future of humanity is not war for natural resources, but their sharing. Only then can we begin to live together in peace, ensure the welfare and care for all people and preserve our environment. Other ways are simply impossible.

Every one of us should actively involve in changing the existing economic system and therefore the society, too. Politicians will not do anything by themselves. Anyone can contribute something, in accordance with their capabilities and position it holds, but it is best if we change society together. Let us say out loud - on demonstrations, in the media, through movements and in many other ways - that we want a different economy and a different world.

We are facing an extremely important step, much more important than it was man's first step on the moon. Are we through cooperation and sharing build a better world or will we continue in the direction of destruction? Which way are we going to choose?