"I think, therefore I am" (Latin: Cogito, ergo sum) is the famous dictum of the philosopher René Descartes. However, our intention is not to analyze this well-known philosophical statement. Instead, let us consider its economic counterpart, which might be phrased as "I Share, Therefore I Am" — a concept that has been in circulation for some time.[1] Yet, sharing is never a solitary act; it always involves multiple people. Thus, a more fitting expression would be: "We Share, Therefore We Are."
Sharing is a fundamental principle, deeply ingrained in families and, to some extent, in broader communities. Within families, resources are naturally shared; we cannot imagine living together otherwise. Parents share with their children, grandparents, and each other. When someone falls ill, other family members provide for them—both materially and emotionally.
On a larger scale, states acknowledge the principle of sharing, primarily through taxation. These funds are then allocated to public services such as healthcare, social welfare, education, and infrastructure.
However, in today's world, commercialization increasingly threatens the principle of sharing, eroding the social bonds rooted in compassion, cooperation, and mutual support. At the heart of sharing and cooperation lies compassion—the instinctive response to another's suffering or need and the desire to help. Compassion, in turn, is the foundation of love, which extends beyond individuals or specific groups to embrace all of humanity.
Sharing: The Foundation of Our Existence
Human existence within a community depends on our ability to share with one another. We cannot survive in isolation. While temporary solitude may be possible, no one can truly thrive alone. In fact, we cannot even develop into fully realized human beings without growing up and living within a community.
Despite this, we are increasingly persuaded—especially by economists and certain politicians—that self-interest should be our primary concern and that society can only progress through competition and individualism. Yet, history and experience show otherwise. Societies that embrace competition, rivalry, and selfishness often find themselves in decline.
We Share, Therefore We Are
If we uphold the principle of sharing not only within families and local or national communities but also on a global scale, we can foster prosperity and peace. As we have already emphasized, compassion is the foundation of love, and within families, this love is expressed through the sharing of resources. Similarly, universal love can only manifest through global sharing and cooperation. (For further discussion, see: A proposal for the global sharing of basic goods.)
If we fail to uphold this principle, our communities will fragment, and we will find ourselves in a world ruled by the law of the strongest—a true jungle where survival depends on power rather than mutual support.
Let sharing be our motto, our guiding principle, and our foundation. Humanity cannot exist without sharing and cooperation. Thus, it is undeniably true:
We Share, Therefore We Are.
[1] For example: I Share, Therefore I Am
Sharing is a fundamental principle, deeply ingrained in families and, to some extent, in broader communities. Within families, resources are naturally shared; we cannot imagine living together otherwise. Parents share with their children, grandparents, and each other. When someone falls ill, other family members provide for them—both materially and emotionally.
On a larger scale, states acknowledge the principle of sharing, primarily through taxation. These funds are then allocated to public services such as healthcare, social welfare, education, and infrastructure.
However, in today's world, commercialization increasingly threatens the principle of sharing, eroding the social bonds rooted in compassion, cooperation, and mutual support. At the heart of sharing and cooperation lies compassion—the instinctive response to another's suffering or need and the desire to help. Compassion, in turn, is the foundation of love, which extends beyond individuals or specific groups to embrace all of humanity.
Sharing: The Foundation of Our Existence
Human existence within a community depends on our ability to share with one another. We cannot survive in isolation. While temporary solitude may be possible, no one can truly thrive alone. In fact, we cannot even develop into fully realized human beings without growing up and living within a community.
Despite this, we are increasingly persuaded—especially by economists and certain politicians—that self-interest should be our primary concern and that society can only progress through competition and individualism. Yet, history and experience show otherwise. Societies that embrace competition, rivalry, and selfishness often find themselves in decline.
We Share, Therefore We Are
If we uphold the principle of sharing not only within families and local or national communities but also on a global scale, we can foster prosperity and peace. As we have already emphasized, compassion is the foundation of love, and within families, this love is expressed through the sharing of resources. Similarly, universal love can only manifest through global sharing and cooperation. (For further discussion, see: A proposal for the global sharing of basic goods.)
If we fail to uphold this principle, our communities will fragment, and we will find ourselves in a world ruled by the law of the strongest—a true jungle where survival depends on power rather than mutual support.
Let sharing be our motto, our guiding principle, and our foundation. Humanity cannot exist without sharing and cooperation. Thus, it is undeniably true:
We Share, Therefore We Are.
[1] For example: I Share, Therefore I Am