četrtek, 23. oktober 2014

About global sharing

"We suggest, would be asked to make an inventory of all their resources and needs, what they produce themselves and what they are obliged to import. Then, each nation would be asked to put into a common pool that which they have in excess of their needs, forming a huge international resource from which all could draw. Naturally, the large developed nations would give a greater amount but all would donate their un-needed surplus." (A blueprint for sharing)

The principle of sharing is well known in our families and local communities. But on a global scale we only know to compete for abundant world´s resources. However, every day we see new forms of sharing, which organize by different groups, local communities, businesses, non-governmental organizations, etc. People sharing cars, bicycles, homes, tools, and many other things and services.

However, we should do next important step: the implementation of sharing at the level of the global community. Sharing resources in local communities are a good thing, but it still creates "islands" of justice and abundance in the middle of the "sea" of poverty and hunger. Justice is not justice until there are still 805 million people hungry worldwide, despite the fact that we have enough food for all. (World Food Programme).

But it's not just for food; many people around the world do not have access to many other basic goods, such as clean water, adequate shelter and access to education and health care. The right to meet basic needs is a fundamental human right and can not be dependent on human economic or any other status. Are starving children guilty because his parents due to various circumstances do not have enough money or because his country was in a difficult economic situation?

Establishing a permanent global sharing mechanism of most important resources to meet basic human needs, it is simple and effective solution to the most shameful problems of humanity, of which hunger is in the first place. United Nations (UN) that brings together all the world's countries is the best place to create such mechanism.

Countries will inform special newly created UN agency for sharing about their surplus or shortages, and agency will coordinate direct "flow" of resources between countries. Thus, we establish permanent pool of key global resources that have always been available to those who need it.

Richest countries at first contributed more, but in the future the developing countries will also contribute more its resources because of better condition of their economies.

With global sharing, no country would be "looser" because we were sharing only surpluses that often finished on giant garbage dumps of a modern world. Annually in the world, for example, we throw away unimaginable 1.3 billion tons of food, or one-third of all food produced for human use (UNEP). It is quite clear that there is enough food for everyone, but we need an effective global sharing mechanism to meet needs of every person on Earth.

Almost impossible is to imagine how beneficial effect would have sharing to the entire international community. Not only ending hunger, global sharing of key resources could be crucial to solving many global conflicts and would be the best way to permanent world peace. One hundred years after the beginning of World War I was about time for it.

Which way we choose

We know that today's economic system has no future. We know this because every day we see the consequences of his action. On the one hand, enormous wealth, on the other hand, terrible poverty and deprivation and hunger; there are countless conflicts between countries and within them; we face with climate changes and the environment pollution. These are only the most visible effects of the functioning of an extremely unjust, chaotic and destructive economic system based on competition, selfishness and greed.

Whether we are talking about capitalism, neoliberalism or about any other economic ideology, it is important to understand what are the causes and what the effects of its actions. For only if we change the causes, we can eliminate their effects. The economic system is far from being just a matter of economic experts and politicians. It is a matter of each of us. The functioning of the economic system has a direct impact on our everyday lives, on our environment and every other being on this planet.

We can not agree with economists who said that economy is too complex for the ordinary man. Every member of modern society are faced daily with the fundamental economic problems and also we are all by nature economists. How to survive, how to buy an apartment, how do we meet the needs of all family members, etc. are - but economic issues. There are not fundamentally different issues on a broader scale: on the local community or all human family.

Therefore, the economy can not be left only to economic experts and politicians. It is about us, about our future, the future of our family, the future of the entire planet. The path to the future certainly does not lead through competition with each other, because it is unthinkable that more than 7 billion people compete or fighting for limited natural resources.

The future of humanity is not competition but cooperation; the future of humanity is not war for natural resources, but their sharing. Only then can we begin to live together in peace, ensure the welfare and care for all people and preserve our environment. Other ways are simply impossible.

Every one of us should actively involve in changing the existing economic system and therefore the society, too. Politicians will not do anything by themselves. Anyone can contribute something, in accordance with their capabilities and position it holds, but it is best if we change society together. Let us say out loud - on demonstrations, in the media, through movements and in many other ways - that we want a different economy and a different world.

We are facing an extremely important step, much more important than it was man's first step on the moon. Are we through cooperation and sharing build a better world or will we continue in the direction of destruction? Which way are we going to choose?

To accept the principle of sharing and act

Although we are so different, humanity is but one family. We all share our common home - planet Earth. We need to realize that we cannot live peacefully together, if we compete with each other for the Earth’s goods.

Commercialization, based on competition, selfishness and greed, is becoming the main principle of our societies. Because of commercialization there are more than 800 million people hungry worldwide, and every day around 40,000 people die from avoidable poverty-related causes. Because of commercialization we now live on the brink of disaster.

Instead of destructive commercialization, we must recognize sharing as a key principle that governs new economic relationships between nations. Food, water, air, soil, forests, energy resources; biodiversity and genes; education and healthcare, the Internet, cultural heritage and other “wealth of nations” are our common goods, belonging not just to some individuals, groups or nations, but to all humanity.

Sharing is the noble path to peace and prosperity, understanding and empathy between people of the world. We must unite together and tell our leaders to start sharing food, water and other key global resources. Let's make the movement for sharing unstoppable - add your voice by signing the petition:

More than 800 million people worldwide are hungry, even though there is enough food for everyone. Every day around 40,000 people die from avoidable poverty-related causes. The solution to stop this shameful situation is very simple. We must accept the principle of sharing and launch an inter-governmental sharing programme on a global scale to provide basic necessities for all.

Link to petition: To accept the principle of sharing and act

ponedeljek, 20. oktober 2014

Who is Maitreya

Maitreya is the teacher. The teacher for the whole of humanity. He is coming in a time of great crisis of humanity, which can lead us to the total self-destruction.

Maitreya is a man, but not the usual man. He belongs and at the same time lead a group of people who have mastered all aspects of human existence on Earth in a long incarnational cycle. Therefore, they are called Masters of Wisdom. In the East, people have been for millennia familiar with the concept of reincarnation, which leads a man through many incarnations until the final liberation from the cycle of physical existence. That is the aim of all of us.

These Masters of Wisdom have always stood humanity on the side, as teachers, counsellors and inspirators. During long human existence on Earth, they have inspired many of their disciples. Those disciples, more or less successfully transformed the daily life of humankind through the teachings of these exceptional Masters who lead humanity along the path of evolution of consciousness. Religions, movements, organizations, great artistic and other achievements are results of the work of these disciples who are inspired by great teachers of humankind.

Nowadays, partly because of the stage of development of humanity and partly because of the great necessity, Masters of Wisdom, headed by Maitreya, entering directly in the daily life of humanity. However, this approaching process cannot violate human free will, so their public work depends on the response or acceptance of humanity.

In particular, the global media are the ones who do not likely want to publish information relating to Maitreya. Many people are afraid of significant changes that will result from open public work of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom. In particular, rich and those who are in positions of religious and political power do not want such change. Their world will not be like before.

However, Maitreya in different approaches stimulates millions of people. He usually does it in the form of various "strange" phenomena, which may seem miraculous, but, are the result of vast knowledge and wisdom of Maitreya and Masters of Wisdom.

Maitreya will show humanity the right path to the future, where we will cooperate and generously sharing goods of our shared planet. It will be a world of peace, prosperity and positive human development.
More: Share International

Picture: Cross of Light

nedelja, 13. april 2014

Sharing is our common future

There are already over seven billion people on the Earth this time.

Although so different we, the humanity, are but one family. We all are sharing our common home - the Earth. This two important recognitions must resonate throughout the human society.

We need to realize that we can not live peacefully together if we compete for Earth goods.

Food, water, air, soil, forests, energy resources; biodiversity and genes; education and healthcare, the Internet, cultural heritage and other “wealth of nations” are our common goods, belonging not just to some individuals, groups or nations, but to all humanity.

Competition between nations, companies and individuals for global goods are driven us on the brink of disaster. Commercialization, which base on competition, selfishness and greed, is becoming the main principle of our society. And that cause misery and destruction.

People can not possess the Earth and her goods. In reality, we are the custodians and wise managers of Earth wealth for the common good of all people. That is the noble task of economics.

Instead of destructive economic models of modern society, based on competition, selfishness and greed, we must recognize sharing as a key principle for new economic models and relationships.

With sharing people will trust each other, and there will be no place for poverty, hunger and conflicts between nations and individuals. Sharing is the noble path of peace and prosperity, understanding and empathy between people.

Sharing is our common future.

Picture: The Divine Balance

sobota, 5. april 2014

Sharing, a new way of life

Crisis we face in the early 21st century can not solve separately; economic, social and environmental crises are part of the general crisis of mankind, which requires a comprehensive approach.

Economy, ecology and ethics are key areas of a comprehensive approach to addressing the grat crisis of humanity. It is particularly important that any economic behavior is committed to social justice and to the proper attitude towards the environment.

Earth, our common home, operates as a complex system in which all living beings can surviving and developing. Development of human society must not lead to the destruction of the delicate natural balance that ensures our existence and existence of all other beings with whom we share our planet.

Further economic growth is not possible any longer, because we live in an environment that has its rules and boundaries. Instead of additional pressures on natural resources and the environment we need more equitable distribution of global resources.

Sharing, based on reciprocity and solidarity with other people and nations, is the most perspective way to achieve a fairer distribution of global goods. Access to basic goods can not and must not be tied only to the market and money.

In order to resolve global problems, the solution should not be sought in the context of ideologies that are - often tragically - marked the past centuries. New approaches should include best practices from the past and present to achieve the common goals of humanity.

Common goals of humanity are the focal point that connects us, regardless of our different political and economic systems, as well as religious, cultural or other differences. The most important common goal of humanity is to meet basic needs of all people on Earth.

Basic human needs are food, clean water, shelter, sanitation, healthcare and education. Satisfying these basic needs are human rights of every person on Earth and the basis for the well-being of mankind.

Satisfy the basic needs of all people is a prerequisite for peace and security. Excessive wealth on one side and extensive poverty on the other side represent a constant source of tension and conflict in the world and threaten the future of humanity.

Humanity, despite all differences, represents a unified whole. When all people meet their basic needs, humanity will express their unity and will work for the good of all people and the good of the planet as a whole.

In order to meet the basic needs of all people and to ensure the well-being of mankind, we have to cooperate with each other rather than compete. Ruthless competition for global goods brings suffering to hundreds of millions of people.

Human community base on cooperation, solidarity and sharing. These building blocks of human society must again, this time at the level of the whole human family, play their connecting and peaceful role.

Principle of sharing includes a broad spectrum of different forms of economic relations to ensure an equitable distribution of common goods among all people. Sharing does not exclude other economic forms and relations.

Material wealth is the basis of development of individual and social potential, not the ultimate goal of all human efforts. New life patterns must base on sharing, slower pace of life and more connected communities.

Picture: Restore my faith in Humanity